Climate strike: A demonstration of collective power

Philosophy and critical thinking

“Power is when a labour union like UAW can make the most powerful company in the world, General Motors, say yes when it wants to say no. That’s power.” (Walter Reuther, cited by Martin Luther King Jr in “Where do we go from here?”)

September 20, 2019, around the world workers will go on strike in protest to what is now being increasingly recognised as a climate emergency. Students from many schools left the classroom to engage in such a protest. It is now the adult’s turn to follow suit.

In achieving worker’s rights, the power from union strikes is the ability to shut down or minimise business operations, thus impacting their profit. This is the kind of collective power Walter Reuther was mentioning.

On September 20, a one day strike will impact on businesses and the economy only if enough workers take annual leave, refuse to accept casual work…

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I have a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Philosophy and Sociology, with a Political Science minor. I also have an honours degree in Philosophy. I am currently studying for my PhD in Philosophy.

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